Generating bulk warning letters

EDMISS enables colleges to send many different types of warning letters from directly within the system. Warning letters can be created and categorized, so there may be different levels of warning letters regarding a single problem such as attendance.

  • Generate a mail merge for a bulk amount of warning letters (display student attendance ordered by lowest to highest)
  • Create warning categories with descriptions and warning types that are most suitable to your college
  • Keep track of all sent warning letters in the enrolment details
  • Filtering options within EDMISS allow staff to view all students by lowest to highest attendance (for attendance warning letters) and by previous warning letters sent.
  • EDMISS is interconnected, so details regarding all sent warning letters are automatically updated in all student accounts

EDMISS has enhanced the ability to monitor warning letters.

To generate a mail merge for a bulk amount of warning letters, please first navigate to the Enrollment Search. From here you can display the attendance and order the results by lowest to highest. You can then highlight and select merge for the student enrollments that you wish to send the warning letters to.


Now select the Merge option – Warning Letters. The below screen will be displayed. You will have to select the warning category and the template to use, then press ok. The bulk letters are merged for the selected student enrollments.


After the letters are merged successfully, you will be asked if you want to save the attendance warning notification.


The other tab in the Enrollment details for every student displays the history of all sent warning letters.


You can also use the Enrollment search (with warning fields displayed) to display previous warning letters that have been sent to a list of students. This is useful when you want to identify weather previous warning letters have been sent to students, so that if another letter needs to be sent, the next appropriate warning level letter can be sent.

Setup for Warning Letters

Warning letters are categorized. Please specify the warning categories here – EDMISS – Utilities – Setup Configuration – Student – Enrollment – Warning Category.