API Documentation

eBECAS.portal API documentation version v1.5.0.0 https://ebecas.equatorit.net/ebecas.portal/api eBECAS API for clients to search for and retrieve details of students, enrolments and other details. Please visit https://ebecas.equatorit.net/ebecas.portal/

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You can define a set of questions in Edmiss and setup the response options. Please navigate to Edmiss – Main – Utilities – Surveys Survey Setup You can search for existing surveys and add new Surveys. You can modify a survey add, move, delete and modify sections and questions for a selected survey. A section […]

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Pathway Applications

Pathway Applications Pathways provides for the management of applications to pathway Colleges for students enrolled in your College. You can search pathway applications by status – (All not accepted), Accepted, Applied, Waiting for Documents, Rejected, Letter of Intent, Undecided and Cancelled. You can also filter applications by pathway College, Course and Level. You can also […]

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